

Aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling for restoration projects protocol and methodology. Description of methodology and sampling protocols.

Resource Type: Protocols

A modified and simplified outline of steps required to sample aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates, based on SWAMP protocols

Resource Type: Protocols

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Collection of Field Data for Bioassessments of California Wadeable Streams: Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Algae, and Physical Habitat

Resource Type: Protocols


Greenhouse Gas Sampling Protocol for Mountain Meadows for use in ongoing studies that are part of the Sierra Meadows research

Resource Type: Protocols


Articulates methods for monitoring hydrologic and water quality impacts of meadow restoration in the Sierra Nevada. This includes recommended analyses and standard metrics that, if reported, will enable future regional studies to combine data across meadow restoration projects. These methods are not exhaustive, rather we identify the key indicators that should be monitored by all projects aiming to alter hydrology or water quality through meadow restoration.

Resource Type: Protocols


The purpose of this document is to provide a dichotomous key to meadow hydrogeomorphic types for the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades of California. This classification and field key uses both hydrology and geomorphology to identify fourteen meadow types. Strengths of the classification include its ability to clarify the relationship between hydrology and geomorphology and meadow function.

Resource Type: Protocols

This scorecard uses observations of the main channel as well as observations recorded throughout the meadow. One strategy for moving through the meadow is to start at an outflow and walk a main channel to the top of the meadow, making observations of bank height, bank stability, headcuts or eroded tributaries. Walk the length of all main channels present. It may help to make notes on an aerial photograph. Also, as you walk up a channel, note vegetation patterns by looking across the meadow.

Resource Type: Protocols